Appointment of Idaho National Lab and DOE veteran continues a string of high-level nuclear industry experts with deep governmental and regulatory experience joining NANO Nuclear
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) (“NANO Nuclear” or “the Company”), a leading vertically integrated advanced nuclear energy and technology company developing portable clean nuclear energy solutions, today announced that it has appointed Michael A. Norato, Ph.D., as its Director of Nuclear Facilities and Infrastructure.
Dr. Norato will oversee the construction, development and licensing of NANO Nuclear’s key facilities, including its recently acquired 14,000 sq. ft. Oak Ridge, Tennessee Nuclear Technology Headquarters and future test bed reactor sites for experiments related to its ‘ZEUS’ and ‘ODIN’ microreactors currently in development. He will also lead the establishment of deconversion and fuel processing facilities, helping to further NANO Nuclear’s goal of being a vertically integrated leader in the U.S. nuclear fuel cycle. In his role, Dr. Norato will ensure compliance with all current environmental and safety regulations while liaising with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to expedite navigation of relevant regulatory pathways. His appointment marks a significant milestone as NANO Nuclear advances to the next phase of its strategy to gain regulatory approval of, and ultimately commercialize, its technologies and take a leading role in the United States’ nuclear renaissance.
“The United States urgently needs commercially focused, forward-thinking and innovative companies to revitalize its nuclear energy potential. I am joining NANO Nuclear because of my confidence that they are an emerging leader in driving this effort,” said Michael Norato, Ph.D., Director of Nuclear Facilities and Infrastructure of NANO Nuclear Energy. “I am thrilled to join this exceptional team following my retirement from the Idaho National Laboratory and bring my years of expertise in both the technical and regulatory aspects of the nuclear energy industry and the nuclear fuel cycle. I look forward to spearheading NANO Nuclear’s development and licensing of its nuclear research and testing, fuel processing and fuel transportation facilities and services that will play a crucial role in the long-term success not only of NANO Nuclear, but the nation’s renewed commitment to nuclear energy. This is a pivotal moment for the nuclear energy industry, and I’m excited to contribute to NANO Nuclear’s efforts in shaping the future of clean and reliable energy.”
Dr. Norato has over 25 years of experience in chemical separations technologies involving used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste processing, as well as experience in commercial nuclear industry regulation and nuclear facility decommissioning. Dr. Norato has extensive knowledge of the entire nuclear fuel cycle as well as experience in the commercial regulatory regime and all aspects of licensing, constructing, and regulating nuclear fuel cycle facilities, in addition to broad knowledge of fuel cycle research development and demonstration at all scales and technology readiness levels.
Figure 1 – NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. Appoints Michael Norato, Ph.D., as its Director of Nuclear Facilities and Infrastructure.
His broad nuclear energy related background includes leadership positions at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM), the NRC and the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). In his recent role at the INL, Dr. Norato served as a Senior Advisor for Research Operations and Strategic Projects, after serving four years as Division Director for Fuel Cycle Science & Technology. His primary focus was the research and development of advanced technologies for nuclear fuel cycle and used nuclear fuel management, as well as other chemical and physical separations applications. At DOE-EM, he served as Director of the Office of Operations and Processes, as well as Acting Director of the Office of Major Construction and Modifications where he provided leadership and developed mission strategies, policy, and guidance for complex-wide engineering operations and processes, as well as to major construction projects and facility modifications to support DOE-EM’s mission. His NRC experience spanned the spectrum from lead chemical safety reviewer for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility license application, to component engineering reviews for new boiling water reactors, to contract management, to nuclear materials facility decommissioning. Dr. Norato holds BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from the Syracuse University.
“Dr. Norato has been a pivotal figure throughout his 25-year career in the nuclear energy sector, and I am confident he will play a vital role in NANO Nuclear’s next phase of growth,” said Jay Yu, Founder and Chairman of NANO Nuclear Energy. “As an expert in the nuclear fuel cycle, with extensive experience in the regulatory aspects of the industry, his expertise will be invaluable as we advance our technologies toward commercialization. We are very pleased to have him join the team and look forward to the impact his expertise will bring.”
“The next phase of NANO Nuclear’s development and future growth demands that we broaden our expertise by bringing on experienced and proven leaders to strengthen our management and technical teams,” said James Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Reactor Development of NANO Nuclear Energy. “Dr. Norato is a highly respected leader with extensive experience navigating the complex regulations that ensure the safety and security of the United States’ nuclear energy infrastructure. I am thrilled to welcome him to NANO Nuclear and am confident that his expertise will be invaluable as we work to position ourselves at the forefront of the nation’s nuclear energy industry.”
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