NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) (“NANO Nuclear” or “the Company”), a leading advanced nuclear energy and technology company focused on developing clean energy solutions, today announced the rebranding of its recently acquired, patented Pylon Transportable Reactor Platform, which will now be known as LOKI MMR™.
The LOKI MMR™ is a portable nuclear reactor designed for versatility in application and deployment. Designed to provide between 1.5MWe and 5MWe of power, it is tailored to specific applications ranging from remote terrestrial, marine, and space deployments. Its transportability via road, rail, sea, and air ensures adaptability for diverse deployment scenarios and supports scalability through interconnected systems to meet greater energy demands. While NANO Nuclear will explore different applications for LOKI MMR™, it is anticipated that the LOKI MMR™ will particularly compliment NANO Nuclear’s previously announced efforts to apply nuclear energy in space exploration.
Figure 1 – NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. Designates its Newly Acquired and Patented Reactor as LOKI MMRTM
“We are pleased to unveil the rebranding of this newly acquired technology and officially welcome LOKI MMR™ to the NANO Nuclear’s portfolio of advanced nuclear energy solutions,” said Jay Yu, Founder and Chairman of NANO Nuclear Energy. “This acquisition not only complements the cutting-edge work already being carried out by our world-class technical teams and also creates meaningful synergies with our other portable proprietary reactor technologies in development, including our ‘ZEUS’ and “ODIN’ microreactors. We believe adding LOKI MMR™ and related intellectual property to our portfolio will accelerate the progress of all of our innovative reactor designs toward demonstration. Together, these technologies position us to deliver scalable, reliable energy solutions around the world and in space.”
LOKI MMR™’s design supports long-term extra-terrestrial applications, including powering resource extraction facilities, space-based manufacturing, and electric propulsion engines for deep space missions. Scalable from 10kWe to 3MWe and compatible with lander configurations, the LOKI MMR™ power system is designed to ensure safe and reliable electricity and thermal energy generation beyond the bounds of Earth.
Initial testing of LOKI MMR™ was originally anticipated to begin in 2026 through the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) Front End Engineering program. While this timeline is now under review following the recent acquisition of the technology, NANO Nuclear is committed to making every effort to align with the original schedule and advance the LOKI MMR™ toward demonstration at the DOME facility at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) by 2027.
Figure 2 – NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. Newly Acquired Microreactor LOKI MMRTM in its Space Configuration
“The integration of the LOKI MMR™ significantly strengthens our position at the forefront of the modular nuclear reactor industry and specifically enhances our ability to potentially deliver innovative power systems for applications beyond Earth’s orbit,” said James Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Reactor Development of NANO Nuclear Energy. “Its advanced development stage gives our world-class technical teams a robust foundation to continue preparing for the reactor’s demonstration at the Idaho National Laboratory’s DOME facility by 2027. This progress will also benefit the development of our proprietary portable microreactors, ‘ZEUS’ and ‘ODIN,’ as well as our key enabling annular linear induction pipe (ALIP) technology, which is currently in the subject of a U.S. Department of Energy-backed Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III project.”
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